104. |
三角形的交通標誌是表示... Triangular signs give... |
A.警告 A.Warnings
B.指令 B.Orders
C.提示 C.Information |
105. |
路旁劃有單行黃色虛綫表示... A single broken yellow line near the edge of the road means... |
A.全日禁止泊車 A.no parking at anytime
B.部份時間禁止停車 B.no stopping at times shown on 'time plate'
C.全日禁止停車 C.no stopping at anytime |
106. |
法例規定指令式的交通標誌是... Under the traffic Ordinance, a Regulatory sign means... |
A.禁制性或強制性的交通資料 A.something must be done or must not be done
B.一般指導性的資料 B.general information
C.所有交通資料 C.all traffic information |
107. |
道路上髹有甚麼白綫才可以超車(扒頭) Which type of white line allows overtaking |
A.雙白綫 A.Double white line
B.虛綫 B.Broken white line
C.連續實綫 C.Solid white line |
108. |
路口髹有連續之雙白綫表示駕駛者必須... At a junction, the double solid white line represents driver, should... |
A.停車及讓路 A.stop and give way
B.立即駛出路口 B.emerge out immediately
C.有需要時停車 C.stop when necessary |
109. |
路旁劃有雙黃綫是表示... A double yellow line marked on the side of the road means... |
A.全日禁止停車 A.drivers must not stop at any time
B.上什七時至下午七時禁止停車 B.driviers must not stop between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
C.分段時間停車 C.split no stopping restriction time period |
110. |
綠色人像燈閃動時,表示... A flashing 'Green man' light means you should... |
A.應在馬路邊的行人路上等候 A.wait on the pavement near the kerb
B.可橫過馬路 B.cross the road
C.應趕快橫過馬路 C.quickly cross the road |
111. |
交通燈紅黃二色後是甚麼顏色燈號? What will be next if the traffic light is red & amber? |
A.黃色 A.Amber light
B.綠色 B.Green light
C.紅色 C.Red light |
112. |
交通燈號亮著紅色,下一個是甚麼頻色的燈號 If a traffic light is red, what will be the next colour? |
A.黃色 A.Amber
B.紅黃二色 B.Red and amber
C.綠色 C.Green |
113. |
駛近交通燈前,燈號轉黃,司機應...... When approaching a road junction and the traffic light change to amber, the driver should...... |
A.盡快駛過 A.accelerate to pass the junction
B.慢車及准備在停車綫前停車 B.slow down and stop in front of the white line
C.立刻停車 C.stop at once |
114. |
駛過路口時交通燈亮起黃色,你應該... When crossing a road junction and the traffic lights turn amber, you should... |
A.在前路没有危險時繼續行駛 A.keep moving forward if there is no danger ahead
B.停車並倒車至停車白綫後 B.stop and reverse backward to the stopping line
C.響號並加速駛過路口 C.sound your horn and quickly drive on |
115. |
紅色交通燈號和綠色箭形燈號同時亮起,表示... At a traffic light when the red light and a green arrow loght are on at the same time it means that you may... |
A.向前直駛 A.drive forward
B.向箭咀指示之方向行駛 B.follow the direction of the green arrow to drive
C.停車 C.stop |
116. |
交通燈亮著紅黃二色,司機應該...... When both red and amber traffic lights are on, a driver should...... |
A.待燈號轉綠才開車 A.Procceed forward to meet the lights changing green
B.立即開車 B.Move off immediately
C.繼續向前行駛 C.Continue to proceed |
117. |
如果燈號是黃色,下一個燈號是什麼顏色? If the traffic light is amber, what is the next colour? |
A.綠色 A.Green
B.紅黃二色 B.Red and amber
C.紅色 C.Red |
118. |
駛達路口交通燈由綠轉黃,駕駛者應避免將車輛...... On arriving a road junction and the traffic light changed to amber, the driver should not...... |
A.停在被列明為禁止停車之道路上 A.Pull up at the road in a 'No Stopping' zone
B.停在阻礙其他車輛之地方 B.Pull up where obstructing oter vehicles
C.停在黃色行人過路綫上 C.Pull up at the area of the "Yellowish" pedestrian crossing |
119. |
100毫升尿液內含酒精量不可超過..... Alcohol per 100ml of urine should not exceed... |
A.22毫克 A.22 milligrams
B.107毫克 B.107 milligrams
C.67毫克 C.67 milligrams |
120. |
酒精會嚴重影響駕駛者哪方面的駕駛能力? In what way will alcohol affect drivers' driving ability? |
A.高估自己的駕駛能力及錯誤判斷速度及距離 A.Gives a felse sense of confidence and impairs judgement of speed and distance
B.導致視力模糊,影響反應及動作協調性 B.Blurs vision and affects the co-ordination
C.上述兩項皆是 C.Both of the above |
121. |
在什麼情況下,酒精滲進血液的速度將會加快? Under what conditions will the alcohol absorption rate into the blood increase? |
A.没有進食便飲酒 A.when drinking on an emty stomach
B.連續飲用不同濃度的含酒精飲料 B.when consuming drinks made with mixers
C.上述兩項情況皆是 C.Both of the above |
122. |
每100毫升呼氣酒精含量不可超過...... Alcohol per 100ml of urine should not exceed... |
A.35 微克 A.35 micrograms
B.107 微克 B.107micrograms
C.22 微克 C.22 micrograms |
123. |
飲酒後,酒精能在____之禸滲進血液,然後始對腦部產生作用。 Alcohol may take only ____ to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start acting on the brain. |
A.數秒鐘 A.a few seconds
B.數分鐘 B.a few minutes
C.數小時 C.a few hours |
124. |
飲酒多少便會超過法定的酒精限度? How much can a driver drink and does not exceed the prescribed limit |
A.每個人吸收酒精的程度均有不同,因人而異 A.Everybody has different alcohol absorption rate
B.最多不超過三杯啤酒 B.Maximum three glasses of beer
C.如非連續飲用不同酒精濃度的飲料,應無問題 C.It will be alright, if you are not continually consuming different types of drinks |
125. |
在何情況下不宜駕駛? Under what conditions one should give up driving |
A.無論任何情況下都適宜駕駛 A.Under no cirrcumstances should give up driving
B.飲酒或服藥後 B.Having consumed drinks or taking drugs
C.亮著收音機 C.switch on the radio |
126. |
每100毫升血液內酒精含量不可超過多少份量? Alcohol per 100 ml of blood should not exceed...... |
A.50 毫升 A.50 milligrams
B.107毫升 B.107 milligrams
C.80毫升 C.80 milligrams |
127. |
在什麼情況下,警方有權要求駕駛者進行呼氣酒精測試? Under what circumstance, the police has the authority to demand a screening breath test from a driver |
A.涉及交通意外 A.Being involved in a traffic accident
B.行車時違反交通規例 B.Having committed a traffic offence during driving
C.上述兩項皆有機會 C.Any of the above |
128. |
駕駛車輛在快速公路超越前車,你會在前車的___越過。 If you overtake a vehicle on an expressway, you will overtake on ____ |
A.左方 A.the left
B.右方 B.the right
C.任何一邊 C.any side |
129. |
在快速公路上駕駛,看見黃燈閃動即代表......須將車速減低至多少公里以下 When driving on an expressway, you should keep your speed under ___ km/h when an amber light flashing. |
A.50公里 A.50 km/h
B.70公里 B.70 km/h
C.與最高車速限制無關 C.Nothing concern with maximum speed |
130. |
法例規定,甚麼車輛不可使用快速公路之右綫 In Expressway Ordinance, which kind of vehicle are prohibited from using the offside lane? |
A.私家車 A.Private car
B.巴士 B.Bus or coach
C.跑車 C.Sport car |
131. |
除獲特別批準外,那類駕駛者不可使用快速公路? Unless having special permission, which kind of driver can not use the expressway? |
A.巴士駕駛者 A.Bus Driver
B.學習駕駛者 B.Learner Driver
C.電單車駕駛者 C.Motor cyclist |
132. |
快速公路上,壞車應該停放在.... In the event of a breakdown on the expressway, you should stop the vehicle at... |
A.任何位置 A.any place
B.右方路旁 B.right side of the road
C.路肩或路旁帶 C.hard shoulder or hard strip |
133. |
在快速公路如有三條或以上行車綫,中型、重型貨車及巴士不可選擇右綫行駛除非: An expressway where the carriageway has three or more traffic lanes, medium, heavy goods vehicles and buses must use the nearside lane unless: |
A.超車 A.Overtaking
B.駛往右面出口 B.Heading for an offside exit
C.前面車輛車速慢 C.slow vehicle ahead |
134. |
在快速公路駕駛時,應靠那一條行車綫行駛? Which lane should you keep when driving on an expressway? |
A.右綫 A.Offside lane
B.中綫 B.Middle lane
C.左綫 C.Nearside lane |
135. |
在快速公路上駕駛電單車,怎樣才算是違例呢? What is the illegal act when driving a motorcycle on an expressway |
A.電單車引擎汽缸容量低於200c.c A.Engine capacity is less than 200c.c
B.電單車引擎汽缸容量低於150c.c B.Engine capacity is less than 150c.c
C.電單車引擎汽缸容量低於125c.c C.Engine capacity is less than 125c.c |
136. |
什麼情況下才可將車駛入快速公路上之路肩 Under what condition can a motorist enter the hard shoulder |
A.超車(扒頭)時使用 A.Use a hard shoulder for overtaking
B.檢查車輛 B.Vehicle in spection
C.特別事故或壞車 C.Special case or vehicle breakdown |
137. |
如在快速公路上壞車,你應.... If the vehicle breakdown on an expressway, you should..... |
A.亮著低燈 A.switch on the dipped headlamps
B.亮著危險警告燈 B.switch on the hazard warning lights
C.打開車頭蓋 C.open the bonnet up |
138. |
法例規定所有私家車____乘客必須佩戴車內裝設的安全帶 The law requires that ____ seat passengers in private cars must wear seat belt if available |
A.只須前座 A.only front
B.只須後座 B.only back
C.前座及後座 C.both front and black |
139. |
幾多歲以上之兒童乘坐汽車必須佩戴安全帶 A child passenger of ___ years of age or above must waer approved child restrains. |
A.1歲 A.1 year old
B.2歲 B.2 years old
C.4歲 C.4 years old |
140. |
行車時,司機及乘客佩戴認可的汽車安全帶可以 When driving, the wearing of an approves seat belt can. |
A.防止交通意外生 A.prevent occurrence of traffic accident
B.使發生交通意外時所引致的死亡或嚴重受傷的機會減半 B.reduce 50%of the chance of death or serious injury in a traffic accident
C.使司機及乘客不可輕易移動 C.restrain the driver/passenger from moving easily |
141. |
在什麼情況之下毋需佩戴安全帶 Under which conditions that one can be exempted from wearing seat belt |
A.斜坡開車 A.Hill start
B.倒後或泊車 B.Reversing or parking
C.身體感覺不適 C.Feeling sick |
142. |
甚麼情況下才可以在路上學車 Under which situation that learner drivers are allowed to prastise on the road |
A.有駕駛執照人士陪同下 A.Accompany with a driving licence holder
B.在指定學車時間內 B.Within specified learners hours
C.寂靜地區 C.Silent zone |
143. |
靜寂地帶是... A silent zone is... |
A.已豎立禁止響號標誌之任何道路 A.any road in which is incidented with a traffic sign that the use of an audible waring system is prohibited
B.任何住宅地區 B.any resident aera
C.醫院地帶 C.hospital area |
144. |
車輛在日落後及天亮前行駛,必須在... when driving after sunset and before dawn, a vehicle must... |
A.車輛前后每邊亮起一盞紅燈 A.have red lights in front and at rear on
B.車后亮起一盞白燈 B.have the white lights at the rear on
C.車前亮起兩盞白燈和車后亮起兩盞紅燈 C.have the two front white lights and two rear red lights on |
145. |
學習駕駛私家車必須有下列人士同在車內... When learning to drive a private car you must be accompanied by... |
A.任何持有有效駕駛執照人士 A.any person with a valid driving licence
B.合格之駕駛教師 B.a qualified driving instructor
C.持有駕駛執照超過五年的人士 C.any person with a licence over 5 years |
146. |
交通意外而有人受傷應該在下列什麼時間內通知警方(報案) Within what time must an accident resulting in personal injury be reported to police? |
A.十二小時內 A.Within twelve hours
B.廿四小時內 B.Within twenty-four hours
C.四十八小時內 C.Within forth-eight hours |
147. |
下列情形是不合法的: The following is illegal: |
A.車前擋風玻璃不貼上行車證 A.Vehicle licence is not displayed on the windscreen
B.在繁忙的路上慢駛 B.Driving slowly in a busy street
C.前車發出信號叫你超速(扒頭)你不遵從 C.Refusing to overtake when signalled by the driver in front |
148. |
車輛之行車證,應該 The vehicle licence should be... |
A.貼在擋風玻璃右邊 A.displayed on the right side of the windowscreen
B.貼在擋風玻璃左邊 B.displayed on the left side of the windowscreen
C.放在駕駛者衣袋內 C.kept in the driver's pocket |
149. |
車輛如因故障或緊急事故而在快速公路或車速限制超過每小時50公里的道路上停車時,司機必須... The driver of a motor vehicle is required to ____ if his / her vehicle breaks down or stops for an any emergency reasons on an expressway or a road with a speed limt eceeding 50km/h. |
A.亮昔車頭燈 A.switch on headlamps
B.亮著危險警告燈 B.switch on the hazard warning lights
C.節省電力不開燈 C.save power |
150. |
駕駛執照如有損毀或持有人更改地址,必須在下列之時間內通知運輸署長 A damaged driving licence or the change of address of a licence holder must be reported to the Commissioner for Transport within... |
A.四十八小時內 A.48 hours
B.七十二小時內 B.72 hours
C.二十四小時內 C.24 hours |
151. |
法院規定,七十歲以上人士... Under the regulation, a person who is 70 years of age or more.... |
A.不得領取駕駛執照 A.shall be refused for issue or renewal of diving licence
B.可以領取駕駛執照 B.shall be issued a driving licence
C.必須證明其健康及視力良好才可領取駕駛執照 C.have to prove he/she is medically fit and has good eyesight before being issued a driving licence |
152. |
車輛擁有權轉移,應在下列什麼時間內通知運輸署? After the transfer of the ownership of a registered motor vehicle, the registered owner should inform the Commissioner for Transport within... |
A.二十四小時內 A.24 hours
B.七十二小時內 B.72 hours
C.七天內 C.7 days |
153. |
輪胎的胎紋至少覆蓋輪胎面四份之三的寬度而深度不可以少於 The required minimum depth of tread is at least ___ over at least 3/4 of the width of the tyres |
A.3毫米 A.3mm
B.2毫米 B.2mm
C.1毫米 C.1mm |
154. |
法例規定,車輛應備有何種有效的文件,才能在道路上行駛? According to law, what kind of documents that all motor vehicles driven on the road should hold? |
A.有效之第三者保險 A.Third party insurance
B.有效之行車證 B.Vehicle licence
C.以上兩種 C.Both of the above |
155. |
於下列情況下,在巿區內可以響號 Under which situations may you sound your horn: |
A.叫行人避開 A.To warn pedestrians to give way
B.緊急及避免發生意外的時候 B.in case of emergency or trying to prevent
C.當超越(扒頭)時 C.when Overtaking |
156. |
那一種車輛可行駛巴士綫 What kind of vehicle can use a bus lane? |
A.電單車 A.Motorcycle
B.貨車 B.Goods vehicle
C.單車 C.Bicycle |
157. |
在哪些路上不準停車? On which kind of road you must not stop your car |
A.巿區街道 A.The road in urban area
B.任何地方於必要時是可以的 B.Anywhere when you need to stop
C.指明為「禁止停車」之道路 C.The road in a 'No Stopping' zone |
158. |
當踏下煞車掣時,車尾將有____燈號亮起。 What color of light would come out at the back when depressing brake pedal? |
A.紅色 A.Red
B.黃色 B.Yellow
C.綠色 C.Green |
159. |
除私家車,輕型貨車及電單車駕駛執照外,要幾多歲才可以學習駕駛所有其他車輛? Except for private cars, LGV and motor-cycles, at what age can a person apply to drive other types of vehicles? |
A.19歲 A.19 years old
B.20歲 B.20 years old
C.21歲 C.21 year old |
160. |
怎樣才可以駛過輕鐵之黃格? Under what circumstances may enter the yellow box with a light rail vehicle crossing box marking? |
A.綠色燈號亮起時 A.When the green light comes out
B.在路口右轉時 B.When turning right at the junction
C.當前路暢通無阻 C.When the exit is clear |
161. |
視力正常的駕駛者要在多遠距離能夠清楚看見車牌號碼? The normal eyesight of driver should read a vehicle number plate at a distance of ___ |
A.23米 A.23 metres
B.24米 B.24metres
C.25米 C.25metres |
162. |
三名三歲或以上面不高於__米之小童,可作兩名乘客計算。 Three children ages 3 or above and under ___ metres tall can be counted as two passengers. |
A.1.2米 A.1.2 metres
B.1.3米 B.1.3 metres
C.1.4米 C.1.4 metres |
163. |
當路面濕滑時,判斷煞車距離應該要... When roads are wet, braking distances should be increased |
A.乾濕地一樣 A.Same distance
B.增加一倍 B.Double the distance
C.增加二倍 C.Triple the distance |
164. |
車輛在正常天氣,緊急情形下煞車,地面留下一條20米長的輪胎痕,當時行車速度約為時速... After emergency braking, under normal weather conditions, a 20m skid--mark on the road indicates a travelling speed of about... |
A.40公里 A.40km/h
B.60公里 B.60km/h
C.80公里 C.80km/h |
165. |
車輛在正常的情況下因緊急煞停車輛在路面留下一條10米長的輪胎痕迹,表示車當時的行車速度可能是時速 In an emergency stop a 10m long skid-mark on a dry road surface indicates that the travelling speed is likely to be |
A.20公里 A.20 km/h
B.40公里 B.40 km/h
C.80公里 C.60 km/h |
166. |
在濕滑的路上駕駛必須增加... When driving on a slippery road, you should increase.... |
A.跟車距離 A.following distance
B.輪胎氣壓 B.tyre pressure
C.汽油用量 C.fuel consumption |
167. |
一位優良的駕駛人在正常的情況下是没有把握在少過下列之跑離煞停一輛以時速60公里行駛的車輛: A car travelling at 60km/h will not be able to stop in less than: |
A.25米 A.25 metres
B.35米 B.35 metres
C.55米 C.55 metres |
168. |
停車距離是..... Stopping distance is formed by.... |
A.思考距離加上反應距離時間 A.Thinking distance plus the reaction time distance
B.思考距離加上煞車距離的總長度 B.Thinking distance plus barking distance
C.思考距離加上司機駕駛技術 C.Thinking distance plus the skill of the driver |
169. |
什麼情形之下會影響煞車距離? Under what conditions will your braking distance be affected? |
A.車胎及煞車系統性能欠佳 A.Poor tyres and brakes
B.視野不清晰 B.Poor visibility
C.車速不夠快 C.Slow reaction |
170. |
什麼會影響煞車時的思考距離? what factor will affect thinking distance? |
A.反應慢 A.Slow reactions
B.濕滑路面 B.Wet roads
C.車胎及煞車性能欠佳 C.Poor brakes and tyres |
171. |
在載有貨物時,貨物伸懸於車外,應在貨物最後部份掛上一面不少於多少米的紅旗讓人察覺..... When driving a vehicle with an overhanging load, you must ensure that there is a red flag not less than ___ be tied at the rear |
A.1平方米 A.1 square metre
B.2平方米 B.2 square metre
C.3平方米 C.3 square metre |
172. |
下可駕駛有以下載貨情形的車輛: 貨物頂部離面高度超過____。 You must not load or drive a vehicle when the load is higher than ___ from the road surface |
A.4.4米 A.4.4 metres
B.4.5米 B.4.5 metres
C.4.6米 C.4.6 metres |
173. |
不可駕駛有以下載貨情形的車輛: 貨物的闊度超過____。 You must not load or drive a vehicle when the load is more than ___ in width. |
A.2.3米 A.2.3 metres
B.2.4米 B.2.4 metres
C.2.5米 C.2.5 metres |
174. |
不可駕駛有以下載貨情形的車輛: 如貨物伸出車前超過___。 You must not load or drive a vehicle when the load extends beyond the front of the vehicle by more than ___. |
A.1.3米 A.1.3 metres
B.1.4米 B.1.4 metres
C.1.5米 C.1.5 metres |
175. |
不可駕駛有以下載貨情形的車輛,如貨物伸出車後超過___。 You must not load or drive a vehicle when the load extends beyond the rear of the vehicle by more than___. |
A.1.3米 A.1.3 metres
B.1.4米 B.1.4 metres
C.1.5米 C.1.5 metres |
176. |
隧道內行車而本身行車綫受阻,除隧道人員或警員指示外,駕駛者___。 When driving inside a tunnel and your lane is block; unless instructed by tunnel staff of police officer, the driver___. |
A.不可以轉綫 A.Should not change lane
B.安全情況下可以轉綫 B.change lane if it is safe to do so
C.下車查看原因 C.Gets out of the car and check |
177. |
隧道內行駛時車輛發生故障,你應該... If your car breakdown inside a tunnel, you should... |
A.自行步出隧道,通知隧道人員 A.walk out of the tunnel and notify the tunnel officer
B.利用隧道內之電話通知隧道當局 B.notify the tunnel staff by using the telphone inside the tunnel
C.停駛在一邊,下車找人修理 C.stop inside, get out of the car and find someone to help |
178. |
在隧道內行駛時,是禁止使用.... Inside a tunel, it is prohibited to use... |
A.細燈 A.side lights
B.高燈 B.headlamps
C.低燈 C.dipped headlamps |
179. |
在隧道區域內的綠色向下箭咀燈是表示: Inside the tunnel area, a green downward arrow means: |
A.在安全情況下,駕駛人士可繼續沿綫向前駛 A.Procees in the lane if it is safe to do so
B.危險訊號 B.Dangerous condition
C.將車速減至時速50公里 C.Keep the speed under 50 km/h |
180. |
隧道內亮著閃動的黃色燈號表示... Flashing amber lights inside a tunnel means... |
A.不准超越(扒頭) A.no overtaking
B.危險性號,將車速減至50公里以下 B.drive carefully, keep the speed below 50km/h
C.立即停車 C.stop at once |
181. |
駕駛者不可以在隧道內___。 Inside a tunnel, driver should not__. |
A.亮著低燈 A.turn on the dipped headlamps
B.無故響號 B.sound horn unnecessarily
C.亮著收音機 C.switch on the radio |
182. |
在正常情形下隧道內之車速不能低於: When driving in a tunnel under normal traffic condition, the speed should not be less than... |
A.25公里 A.25km/h
B.30公里 B.30km//h
C.40公里 C.40km/h |
183. |
隧道內亮起紅表示... In a tunnel area a red cross light means: |
A.慢車,繼續前行 A.slowdown, continue to proceed
B.停車,不可繼續前進 B.stop. Do not proceed any further in this lane
C.保持車速50公里以下 C.keep the speed below 50 km/h |
184. |
如果壞車可能會阻塞交通,則駕駛人士應在路上下列距離置一個三角形警告牌? If your vehicle could be an obstruction to traffic, you require to stand the warning triangle on the road at a distance of ___ from the vehicle. |
A.30 米 A.30 metres
B.40 米 B.40 metres
C.50 米 C.50 metres |
185. |
在路中心壞車時,你將會... In the event of a breakdown on the road, you should... |
A.立即致電相熟車房 A.phone up a garage immediately
B.把車移放路邊然後找人修理 B.move the car to the side of the road and arrange for someone to fix it
C.任由車輛停放路中 C.leave the car there |
186. |
如在分隔車路或車速較快的道路上壞車,則需於___前放置一個三角形警告牌。 if your vehicle breakdown on dual carriageways or roads with faster traffic, you should stand the warning triangle on the road at a distance of ___ from the obstruction. |
A.50米 A.50 metres
B.100米 B.100 metres
C.150米 C.150 metres |
187. |
在快速公路上壞車,應亮著.... When your vehicle breakdown on an expressway, you should switch on... |
A.細燈 A.Side light
B.霧燈 B.fog light
C.危險警告燈 C.hazard warning lights |
188. |
壞車時用來警告其他人士的警告牌,應有____色反光及螢光的表面 When vehicle breakdown, we use the warning triangle to warn other drivers, the colour of the trianle should be ___ reflective and fluorescent surface |
A.藍 A.blue
B.紅 B.red
C.黃 C.amber |
189. |
交通意外,微損車身但并無人受傷,駕駛者... In a traffic accident causing no injury, the driver must.... |
A.必須報警 A.report to the police
B.只要相記錄姓名,地址及情況後即可繼續行車 B.note down all the particulars, then proceed
C.必須將車輛駛離現場 C.leave the scene |
190. |
交通意外有人受傷或財物受損時,駕駛者... When an accident involves human injury or property damage, the driver.... |
A.必須立即停車 A.must stop immediately
B.不必停車,但須有暇時通知警方 B.needs not stop but should inform the police later
C.必須立即送傷者到醫院 C.must send the injured person to hospital immediately |
191. |
隧道內怎樣才可超越路中之雙白綫? Under what circumstances may a driver cross or drive on Double white lines at the centre of the road |
A.由司機自行選擇 A.Drivers can make their decisions
B.隧道管理人員指示 B.Following the intruction given by tunnel officers
C.有壞車阻塞 C.Blocked by breakdown vehicle |
192. |
什麼是道路最高車速限制? What is the maximum speed limit on the road |
A.安全行車速度 A.Safe travelling speed
B.合理行車速度 B.Reasonable speed
C.車速限制標誌指定之速度 C.According to 'Speed limit' signs shown |
193. |
若没有其他標誌顯示,最高時速限制為.... What is the maximum speed on roads without 'Speed limit' signs? |
A.80公里 A.80 km/h
B.70公里 B.70 km/h
C.50公里 C.50 km/h |
194. |
超越(扒頭)是没有危險的如果.... Overtaking is not dangerous if... |
A.沒有尾隨車輛 A.there are no vehicles following
B.看清楚前面没有障礙 B.there is no obstruction ahead
C.你的車速夠快就隨時可以超越(扒頭) C.you are driving fast so that you can overtake anytime |
195. |
當你發覺後邊的車輛意欲超越(扒頭)時,你應該 When seeing that the car travelling behind you intends to overtake, you should... |
A.加速不讓對方超越 A.increase your speed
B.立即靠左停車 B.move to the left and stop immediately
C.駛入讓車處或繼續向前慢駛 C.drive into passing place or proceed forward carafully |
196. |
當你正想超越前車時,前車突然加速,你應該.... When you are overtaking the vehicle at the front, but it accelerate suddenly, you should... |
A.再加速超越 A.accelerate to overtake
B.減速及折返原來行車綫 B.slow down and move back to the original lane
C.定速超越 C.maintain constant speed to overtake |
197. |
在單程路行車時,可從那一方超越(扒頭) Overtake is allowed on the ___ side when driving on a oneway road. |
A.右 A.Right
B.左 B.Left
C.左或右 C.Left or Right |
198. |
在有多條行車綫的道路上行駛時,如欲右轉,必須.... When driving on a multi-lane road, and you intend to turn right, you should.... |
A.預早靠右邊行駛 A.take the right lane in advance
B.預早靠左邊行駛 B.take the left lane in advance
C.保持原綫向前直駛 C.keep on the same lane and proceed forward |
199. |
如路口設有停車標誌或標記,駕駛者應_____。 If there is a "STOP" sign erected or painted on the road surface at a junction, the driver should ____. |
A.停車及讓路 A.pull up at the junction and give way
B.慢駛讓路 B.slow down give way
C.在前面不超越(扒頭) C.not overtake ahead |
200. |
駛近迴旋處時應該留意及讓路給那一方向而來的車輛? At a roundabout, a driver should give way to the traffic from... |
A.左方 A.left side
B.右方 B.right side
C.前方 C.the front |
201. |
欲駛過十字路口時,紅色交通燈放亮,你必須.... When approaching a cross road and the traffic lights turn red, you must..... |
A.停車等待燈號轉綠色後再開行 A.stop and wait till the lights turn green
B.慢車及響號,如果前路無障礙則可前駛 B.slow down and sound your horn. If the road is clear you may drive forward
C.停車,如果前路無障礙則可前駛 C.Stop. If the road is clear you may drive forward |
202. |
當你駕車橫過大路時應該 When crossing dual carriageway you must... |
A.先看左再看右 A.look left then right
B.先看右然後看左再看右 B.look right, then left and look right again
C.先看右 C.look right first |
203. |
過十字路口時,你應該.... When driving pass cross roads, you... |
A.認為自己有優先權而直駛 A.have the right of way and should drive forward
B.認為自己沒有優先權而小心行駛 B.do not have the right of way and should proceed carefully
C.可慢速向前駛 C.drive on slowly |
204. |
行人天橋及斑馬綫範圍內,行人應遵守在___內必須使用行人天橋或斑馬綫過馬路 Pedestrians must not cross a road within __ of a footbridge or zebra crossing, other than by using the footbridge or zebra crossing. |
A.25 米 A.25 metres
B.15 米 B.15 metres
C.10 米 C.10 metres |
205. |
行人在没有行人路的道路上行走應靠... Where there is no pavement, pedestrians should walk on ... |
A.左邊 A.left side of the road
B.任何一邊都可以 B.any side of the road
C.右邊 C.right side of the road |
206. |
向下斜坡泊車,熄匙後應該入____波? When parking down hill, what gear will be used after switching off? |
A.一波 A.First gear
B.後波 B.Reverse gear
C.空波 C.Neutral gear |
207. |
在同一公共泊車處泊車不可超過..... You must not park in a parking place for more than... |
A.8 小時 A.8 hours
B.12 小時 B.12 hours
C.24 小時 C.24 hour |
208. |
在沒有行人路的向上斜坡泊車時,司機應將軚盤扭向.... When parking uphill with no kerb, driver should turn the steering wheel to... |
A.左方 A.Left
B.右方 B.Right
C.中間 C.Centre |
209. |
向上斜坡泊車,熄匙後須入什麼「波檔」? When parking uphill what gear will be used after switching off? |
A.一波 A.First gear
B.後波 B.Reverse gear
C.空波 C.Neutral gear |
210. |
在向下斜坡停泊車輛時,應將軚盤扭向那一方,并且拉緊手掣入後波.... When parking down hill, turn the steering wheel to the.... |
A.左方 A.Left
B.右方 B.Right
C.中間 C.Centre |
211. |
規定停泊車輛的地方是.... A designated parking space is.... |
A.任何郊區道路 A.any rural road
B.有標誌和白綫指示的地方 B.a place indicated by signs and white lines
C.任何橫街 C.any side street |
212. |
電單車在何種情況下需亮著車頭低燈? Under what circumstance should the dipped headlamp of a motorcycle be switch on? |
A.不分晝夜 A.Both day and night times
B.進入隧道 B.Entering into tunnel
C.天色昏暗時使用 C.Adverse light condition |
213. |
持有學習/暫准駕駛執照的電單車人仕,是否可接載乘客? Is learner/ probationary motor cycle driving licence holder allowed to carry passenger? |
A.在指定時間內可以 A.Yes, at specfic time
B.不可以 B.No
C.可以 C.Yes |
214. |
駕駛電單不可載客,除非乖客...... No motocycle passenger is allowed unless.... |
A.没有經驗之司機 A.the rider is inexperienced
B.佩帶合規格頭盔 B.the passenger is wearing a safety helmet of approved design
C.已購買第三者保險 C.the passenger has bought a 3rd party insurace |
215. |
在晚上騎單車時應保持... When riding a bicycle at night you should have.... |
A.車頭有一白照明燈,車尾有一紅燈及紅色反光器 A.one white light in the front, one red light and red reflector in the rear
B.車頭有一白照明燈,車尾有一紅燈 B.one white light in the front and one red light in the rear
C.車頭有一白照明燈,車尾有一紅反光器 C.one white light in the front an one red reflector in the rear |
216. |
當踏單車時,不可按響車聆示意其他道路使用者,除非.... When you ride your bicycle, you must not use your bell to demand other road users, unless... |
A.騎單車不能停車 A.you are unable to stop
B.駛近路口 B.approaching a junction
C.突然停車 C.stop suddenly |
217. |
兒童單獨在馬路上騎單車,必須年滿.... It is an offence for children to ride bicycles alone on the road under the age of... |
A.十歲 A.10
B.十一歲 B.11
C.十二歲 C.12 |
218. |
大型貨車倒後時應該.... Heavy goods vehicle when reversing, the driver should.... |
A.請人幫忙或停車 A.Ask someone to help or stop the vehicle
B.響號 B.Sound the horn
C.查察附近交通情況 C.Check nearby traffic condition |
219. |
駕駛中型貨車,重型貨車及貨櫃拖卡車等,駕駛時應該... When driving medium goods vehicles, heavy goods vehicles and articulated vehicles, drivers should.... |
A.靠左行駛 A.Keep to the left lane
B.靠右行駛 B.Keep to the right lane
C.並無限制 C.drive as they wish |
220. |
駕駛車身長度或連接車身長度超過多少米的車輛尾部應有標記.... When driving a vehicle with lenght exceeding a sign must be fitted to the rear of the vehicle. |
A.13米 A.13 Metres
B.14米 B.14 Metres
C.15米 C.15 Metres |
221. |
倒後行車時,後面視綫受到阻礙,你將會.... If your rear view is obstructed when reversing, you should.... |
A.響號并繼續倒後慢駛 A.sound the horn and carry on reversing slowly
B.停車 B.stop
C.繼續倒後行駛 C.keep on reversing |
222. |
駕駛者將車倒後時應避免... A driver should avoid reversing.... |
A.從小路倒入大路 A.from a side road on to major road
B.從大路倒入小路 B.from a major road on to a side road
C.在夜間進行 C.at night |
223. |
在大雨或濃霧中駕駛車輛時,視綫模糊不清怎辦? What should you do if visibility is poor when driving in heavy rain and/ or thick fog? |
A.亮著危險警告燈 A.Switch on the hazard warning lights.
B.亮著車頭燈 B.Switch on headlamps.
C.間歇性發出響號 C.Use horn intermittently. |
224. |
涉及嚴重交通意外,除非有特別事故.... Unless special reason, if you're involved in an severs accident, you should..... |
A.立即將車輛移開 A.move the vehicle away immediately
B.不可移動傷者或車輛 B.do not move injured people or vehicle
C.立即將傷者搬離現場 C.move injured people away from the scene immediately |
225. |
在單綫雙程行車道行駛時遇有迎面車輛,讓車處在自己一方,你應..... In a single-track road, there is an oncoming vehicle and the passing place is on your side, you should.... |
A.駛入讓車處 A.pull in passing place
B.原地停車 B.pull up at where you are
C.倒後讓路 C.reverse and give way |
226. |
正常情況下,駕駛者應同前車保持幾多秒跟車距程? Under normal condition, it is safe to maintain a distance of ____ time gap with the vehicle in front. |
A.5秒 A.5-second
B.4秒 B.4-second
C.2秒 C.2-second |
227. |
當在晚間車時,受迎面車輛的高燈影響時,你應該.... When driving at night and the headlamps of the oncoming vehicle affect you, you should... |
A.響號通知迎面車輛之駕者 A.sound your horn to notify that driver
B.亮著高燈向前直駛 B.switch your head lights to full beam and drive forward
C.不要凝視,將車輛靠在邊慢駛或如有必要隨時准備停車 C.not stare at the lights. Keep left and drive on slowly or stop if necessary |
228. |
在斜坡的高處等待交通燈放行時,你應該... Waiting on a slope in front of the traffice lights, you should... |
A.關閉引擎 A.turn off the engine
B.拉起手掣,入空波 B.pull up the handbrake, shift to neutral gear
C.入二波 C.shift to second gear |
229. |
當駛過路口的停車白綫時,交燈號由綠色轉為黃色,你將會... While crossing the "stop line" at a junction, the traffic light changes from green to amber, you should.... |
A.立即加速駛 A.accelerate at once
B.將車倒後,停在路口停車白綫的後面 B.reverse and stop behind the stop line
C.繼續小心駛過路口 C.proceed with great care |
230. |
通常情況下,右綫是讓.. Generally speaking the right lane of a dual or multi lane highway is for... |
A.超車時使用 A.overtaking
B.較慢車輛行駛 B.slow moving vehicles
C.跑車行駛 C.sports cars |
231. |
斑馬綫前司機不應做什麼.... What must a driver not do when approaching a zebra crossing? |
A.慢車減速 A.Reduce speed
B.停車禮讓行人 B.Stop and give way to pedestrain
C.示意行人過馬路 C.Show a signal to pedestrian for crossing |
232. |
在一些主幹路上都設有緊急雷話,該電話直駁____。 Emergency telephones can be found at the roadside of some of the major trunk roads. These telephones are connected directly to____ |
A.路政署 A.Highways Department
B.警署 B.Police Station
C.運輸署 C.Transport Department |
233. |
除緊急情況外,欲快速安全地煞停一輛以時速50公里行駛中的車輛,可以... Unless in an emergency, if you want to stop a car at a speed of 50km/h. Quickly and safely, you must... |
A.先踏腳掣,再踏離合器(極力子)踏板 A.Press down the footbrake then the clutch pedal
B.先踏離合器(極力子)踏板,再踏腳掣 B.Press down the clutch pedal then the footbrake
C.立即拉上手掣 C.Pull up the handbrake immediately |
234. |
消防局門前亮起兩盞紅色閃燈表示: When the two red lights in front of a Fire Station are flashing, this means: |
A.有消防車駛出 A.Fire engine will be emerging
B.有消車駛入 B.Fire engine is returning to station
C.消防局內有意外 C.There is an accident inside |
235. |
馬路上劃有雙白綫而內有斜白綫(影子綫)是表示... Areas of white diagonal stripes or white chevrons painted on the road indicate: |
A.車輛可以在影子綫域停車等候 A.cars can stop and wait at the hatched area
B.車輛可以在影子綫域之內停泊 B.cars can be parked at the hatched area
C.切勿橫越駛過影子綫 C.do not cross or center the hatched area |
236. |
一個優良的駕駛者,在轉彎前必先... Before taking a bend, a good driver will... |
A.轉用一波 A.change to 1st gear
B.踏下離合器踏板 B.press down the clutch pedal
C.改用低排檔(波) C.change to a lower gear |
237. |
小童乘客,應盡量安排坐在___。 Which passenger seat is the safest for a child passenger? |
A.後排坐位 A.Pear seat
B.前排坐位 B.Front seat
C.兩者皆可 C.Both |
238. |
一架車駛過水氹後,應該試... After driving through pools of water you must test your vehicle's.... |
A.車胎及煞車掣性能 A.tyres and brake control
B.試探離合器 B.clutch
C.檢查車頭燈 C.head lights |
239. |
如果發現動物在車前出現,司機應該.... If you find an animal at the front, a driver should... |
A.加速駛過 A.accelerate to pass
B.減慢車速 B.reduce speed
C.響號警告 C.sound horn to warn |
240. |
在劃有多條行車綫的雙程路上,你應該.... In a muti-lane two-way street, you should.... |
A.永遠保持在靠右邊的行車綫上行駛 A.always keep to the right hand lane
B.只在超越(扒頭)或右轉時始使用右邊行車綫 B.use the right hand lane only when you overtake or turn right
C.任意轉綫行駛 C.change lane as you wish |
241. |
鼔勵使用低燈行車的目的是.... You should use dipped headlamps to drive when driving in lower visibility to... |
A.避免迷亂迎面之駕駛者及其他道路使用者之視綫 A.avoid dazzling on-coming drivers and other road users
B.要照出路面情況 B.see better
C.節省電力 C.save power |
242. |
何種情形下撻火會有危險? Under what conditions that it is dangerous to start or run your engine? |
A.有醉酒乘客在車內 A.A drunk passenger in your car
B.在車箱內吸煙 B.When smoking
C.燃油箱蓋打開 C.Fuel tank over removed |
243. |
在什麼情況下才可跨越路中之雙白綫? Under what circumstances may a driver cross 'Double white' lines? |
A.向右轉入/ 轉出道路或樓宇 A.Make a right turn into or out of any road or premises
B.超越前車 B.Overtake
C.任何時間皆可以 C.Anytime may do so |
244. |
沿斜坡下駛時,你應該.... When driving down hill, you should... |
A.用力踏下腳掣 A.depress the footbrake firmly
B.使用低速排檔(波)行駛 B.use lower gear
C.使用高速排檔(波)行駛 C.use higher gear |
245. |
電車在没有月台之車站上落客,其他車輛必須..... When approaching a tram stop where there is no tram stop island and passgers are boarding and alighting, other vehicles should.... |
A.繼續向前直駛 A.continue to proceed
B.在黃色停車綫前停車 B.stop before the yellow line
C.超越上落客之電車 C.overtake that tram |
246. |
什麼情況下可從左方超越(扒頭)? Under which situation can we overtake from the left? |
A.前面路口右轉 A.Turn right at the junction ahead
B.駛經交通燈位 B.Pass through a traffic light junction
C.前面路口左轉 C.Turn left at the junction ahead |
247. |
在進行某項行動包括(開車,掉頭,泊位)前,應記..... Before you carry out any manoeuvre (moving off, turn about, parking) you must... |
A.想一想,看一看,發信號,再看看 A.Think-Look-Signal-Look again
B.看一看,發信號,想一想,再看看 B.Look-Signal-Think-Look again
C.看一看,想一想,再看看,發信號 C.Look-Think-Look again-Signal |
248. |
「前面交通管制標誌」表示什麼? What is the meaning of 'Traffic control ahead' sign? |
A.有學童橫過馬路 A.Children going to and from school ahead
B.前面有壞車 B.Vehicle breakdown ahead
C.前面有人手操作臨時「停/去」字標誌 C.manually operated "Stop/Go" sign ahead |
249. |
在下列那種情況才可以亮著危險警告燈..... Under which of the follwing conditions that the hazard warning lights should be switched on? |
A.途中壞車及暫時不能離行車道時 A.Vehicle breakdown on the road and cannot be moved away from the road
B.倒後時 B.Reversing
C.窄路掉頭時 C.Turnabout in a narrow road |
250. |
如果你看見前車發出「右轉」信號時,你將會... If you notice a right turn signal given by the vehicle in front, you should... |
A.加速從左方超越(扒頭) A.accelerate and overtake on the left
B.減低行車速度 B.slow down
C.在前車右邊超越(扒頭) C.overtake on the right hand side |
251. |
駕車下斜坡,駛近障物時,迎面有車輛駛來,你將會... When driving down a hill you see obstructions ahead, and an on-coming vehicle. You should... |
A.讓迎面車輛先行通過 A.give way to the on-coming vehicle
B.加速繞過該障礙物 B.accelerate and pass the obstruction
C.響號警告迎面車輛 C.sound the horn to warn the on-coming driver |
252. |
以下一種是不正確及不安全地使用安全氣袋方法? Which of the following is an unsafe & incorrect method to use airbags? |
A.佩戴安全帶固定於座位,減少受氣撞傷機會 A.Lessen the risks to get injury, fasten the seat belt
B.與安全氣袋彈出之位置保持適當距離 B.Keep a safe distance from the airbag outlet
C.在氣袋出口處放置雜物 C.Place objects over the airbag outlet |
253. |
司機在駕駛途中,如有感到不適,應怎樣做? What should a driver do if suffering from illness whilst driving? |
A.立即停車休息 A.Stop and take rest immediately
B.繼續駕駛至目的地才休息 B.Continue to drive at destination before rest
C.找適當位置泊車后休息 C.Take rest at an appropriate parking place |
254. |
駕駛車輛時有下列情況是違法的 It is illegal to drive when: |
A.煞車掣不妥當 A.The brakes do not work
B.吸烟或與乘客談話 B.Smoking or talking to passengers
C.車窗全部關閉 C.All vehicle windows are closed |
255. |
用拖車繩或拖車練拖車,兩部車輛的距離不可超過 You must not tow another vehicle with a tow rope or chain if the gap between the two vehicles is greater than___. |
A.4米 A.4 metres
B.4.5米 B.4.5 metres
C.5米 C.5 metres |
256. |
「綠色人像」過路處之燈亮著紅色,下一個燈是什麼顏色? What is the next light signal after a 'Red man' light at the 'Green man' crossing? |
A.綠色 A.Green
B.紅及綠雨色 B.Red and green
C.黃色 C.Amber |
257. |
當你想左轉時迎面有一車輛想轉入同一條路時應怎麼? What should you do? When you intend to turn left and an on-coming vehicle indicated to turn right: |
A.響號 A.Sound horn
B.你有優先權駛入 B.You have the priority
C.想一想,然後響號 C.Think..and then sound horn |
258. |
聽到緊急車輛警號時必須... When you hear the siren of a fire-engine, you must... |
A.將車駛靠右方路邊 A.Pull to the right hand side of the road
B.讓路 B.give way to emergency vehicles
C.立即在道路中心停車 C.stop at once in the middle of the road |
259. |
為了保障行車安全,司機應確保輪胎.... For safety sake, driver should maintain the tyre at... |
A.適量充氣 A.correct air pressure
B.盡量充氣 B.maximum air pressure
C.適量放氣 C.minimum air pressure |
260. |
在同一條車軸上不可混合使用那種輪胎? Which kind of tyre should not be equipped on a same axle? |
A.徑向紋 A.A radial-ply tyre
B.交叉紋 B.A cross-ply tyre
C.交叉紋及徑向紋 C.Use a combination of cross-ply and redial-ply tyres |
261. |
在分隔車路需要掉頭,應該.... What is the proper way to make a U-turn when driving on a dual carriageway? |
A.選擇下一個路口 A.Make the U-turn at the next junction
B.選擇較之路面 B.Make the U-turn at a wider road
C.選澤讓車處 C.Make the U-turn at a passing place |
262. |
在一條單綫雙程行車道上,如迎面有車輛駛至,而讓車處在另一方,你應.... In a single-track road, there is an oncoming vehicle and the passing place is on the other side, you should.... |
A.駛入證車處 A.Pull in passing place
B.在讓車處旁暫停等候 B.Pull up and wait opposite it
C.繼續向前直駛 C.keep proceed forward |
263. |
正常情況之下,應從那一方超越(扒頭)? Under normal situation, which side would you select when overtaking other vehicles? |
A.前車之右 A.Right side of the vehicle ahead
B.前車之左方 B.left side of the vehicle ahead
C.兩者皆可 C.Both sides are allowed |
264. |
當駛過停車白線後,交通燈亮著黃燈,應繼續駛過,除非太接近..... On passing the stopping line and traffic light turns red, you may drive forward except too close to.... |
A.行人過路處 A.pedestrian crossing
B.停車處 B.Stopping place
C.避車處 C.Passing place |
265. |
當黃燈亮著時你應停車,除非車輛過於接近___,以致突然停車可能會引起交通意外。 When the amber light is on, you should pull up unless you are so close to the ___ and by doing that abruptly might cause and 門accident. |
A.路口 A.Junction
B.巴士站 B.Bus stop
C.避車處 C.Passing place |
266. |
在大霧及大雨時,在快速公路須使用那種燈號? When driving on expressway in heavy shower and foggy condition, you should use... |
A.高燈 A.High beam headlamps
B.危險警告燈 B.Hazard warning lights
C.車頭大燈 C.Headlamps |
267. |
快速公路下著滂沱大雨,其他駕車人可能無法聽見響號,如需要向他人發出警告,最好.... The other drivers may not hear your horn driving on an expressway under heavy rain. The best way to slow your presence is... |
A.響號 A.Sound horn
B.閃動車頭大燈 B.Flash the headlamps
C.開危險警告燈 C.Use hazard warning lights |
268. |
什麼會影響煞車距離? What factors will affect the braking distance? |
A.思路緩慢 A.Slow in thinking
B.路面濕滑 B.Wet road surface
C.塞車 C.Traffic jam |
269. |
那一種車輛煞車距離會較長? Which type of vehicle need a longer braking distance? |
A.的士 A.Taxi
B.電單車 B.Motorcycle
C.貨車 C.Goods vehicle |
270. |
那一類車須要較長的停車距離? Which type of vehicle need a longer stopping distance? |
A.電單車 A.Motorcycle
B.私家車 B.Private car
C.重型貨車 C.Heavy goods vehicle |
271. |
在天色晴朗及乾爽的路面上,一位反應正常的駕駛者須多少停距離煞停一輛時速80公里車輛? On a sunny day and the road surface is dry, a car travelling in 80kph will not be able to stop in less than: |
A.20米 A.20 metres
B.35米 B.35 meters
C.60米 C.60 metres |
272. |
當嚴重交通意外發生後,應該.... If you are involved in a severe accident, you should... |
A.移動傷者 A.move the injured persons
B.派人求助和看守現場 B.Send for help and freeze the site as it was
C.待救護員到場後才移動傷者 C.wait for the arrival of emergency services to move the injured persons |
273. |
在何種情況下可以超越白線? Under what circumstances can a driver cross the double white lines? |
A.靠近自己是虛線而另一方是實線 A.The line neares to you is broken and the other line is solid
B.靠近自己是實線而另一方是虛線 B.The line neares to you is solid and the other line is broken
C.兩邊是實線而中間有斜線 C.The lines at both side are solid and have hatch marking in between |
274. |
司機在不會對其他道路使用者構成妨礙,可讓殘疾乘客在限制區上落車,在那些地方除外? A driver can pick up and drop off passengers of disabilities in restricted zones except... |
A.快速公路 A.Expressway
B.全日24小時限制區 B.24-hour restricted zone
C.快速公路及全日24小時限制區 C.Expressway and 24 hour restricted zone |
275. |
下列那類型車輛最易受風力影響? Which type of the following vehicles will be influenced by the wind most? |
A.私家車、電單車及機動三輪車 A.Private car, motocycles and motor-tricycles
B.私家車、電單車、機動三輪車及單車 B.Private car, motorcycles, motor-tricycles and bicycles
C.車身高度超過1.6米的車輛、電單車及頂動三輪車 C.vehicle exceeding 1.6m in height, motorcycles and motor-tricycles |
276. |
以下哪一個不是雙白綫的作用? 'Double White Lines' does NOT mean: |
A.在交通繁忙的街道上控制轉換行車綫的車輛 A.To control vehicles to change lane at congested traffic road.
B.在單程路上指示行車方向 B.To show the direction of travel on a on-way traffic road.
C.分隔往行駛的車輛避免路面出現混亂 C.To separate traffic travelling in opposite directions. |
277. |
在道路上旁邊劃有單行黃色實綫表示 A single solid yellow line marked on the edge of the roadway means: |
A.全日禁止停車 A.No stopping at anytime
B.禁止停車 B.No stopping
C.在「時間字牌」所示時段內禁止停車 C.No stopping at times shown on "Time plate" |
278. |
禁制性的交通誌顏色是... The colour of Prohibitory sign is.... |
A.藍色 A.Blue
B.紅色 B.Red
C.黃色 C.Yellow |
279. |
路口劃有斷續雙白綫表示 A junction with intermittent double white line means... |
A.必須停車 A.compulsory to stop
B.讓路給小路之車輛 B.give way to side road traffic
C.讓路給大路上車輛 C.give way to major road traffic |
280. |
道路中心的一條斷續白綫是表示: A broken white centre line on a road means: |
A.不論何時超越前車(扒頭)都是危險的 A.It is dangerous to overtake at any time
B.如在安全情況下,可超越(扒頭) B.You may overtake if it is safe to do so
C.不准右轉入支路 C.no right turn to a slip road |
281. |
駕車跟隨一架行駛緩慢的車輛在劃有雙白綫標記的道路行駛,你將會... If driving behind a slow moving vehicle on a road with double solid white lnes in the centre, you would... |
A.響號及從速超越該車(扒頭) A.sound the horn and overtake as soon as possiible
B.如前車司機打出手號示意則可超越(扒頭) B.overtake if you are signalled by the driver ahead
C.不超越(扒頭) C.not overtake |
282. |
強制性的交通標誌顏色是... The colour of Mandatory Sign is... |
A.藍色 A.Blue
B.紅色 B.Red
C.黃色 C.Yellow |
283. |
圓形的交通標誌是表示 Circular signs give... |
A.警告 A.Warnings
B.指令 B.Orders
C.提示 C.Information |